an article or random bits on the subject(s) of business, career, entrepreneurship, freelancing, thoughts, writing.
Flexibility illustration

Flexibility is Key

When I decided to take on this project and produce 100 days of writing I tried to be a realist. Was it possible to do 100 days of straight writing? Are consecutive days of writing the point of this project, or is it to produce a body of solid writing? And what, really, is the point of all this anyway?

Granted, the last question is probably a little too broad and existential for this post, but to me the entire purpose of this journey was simply to get better—better at writing, better at pulling random thoughts together, and coalescing them in some sort of stream of consciousness. Where I landed was that I wanted to produce 100 pieces of solid writing. And should I end up needing to not post for a few days because of things that might come up, I’d be okay with that.

The moment you try to rigidly lock life in, that’s the moment failure becomes a real possibility.

Flexibility is key to so much of what we do in life. The moment you try to rigidly lock life in, that’s the moment failure becomes a real possibility. Whether it’s running a studio, advancing your career, or simply trying to produce 100 goofy blog posts, allowing things to flow, to flex, is the key to real growth.

Last week was unexpected, things cropped up. As a result, I decided to flex a bit—to roll with it. And the result, I believe, will be better in the end.